Spread the Love!

Almost three years ago now, a good friend of mine decided to let me in on a secret of hers. We were walking to the university pool to go for a swim, and she completely randomly asked me if I’d ever heard of The Keeper. I had not. She briefly explained what it was and how fantastic it was and how she shares this knowledge with all of her closest friends. I was a bit weirded out (menstrual cup? what on earth?) but significantly intrigued, so I set about researching it online.

It took me a while but I eventually decided to order it. Since she’d had hers for almost 10 years, it was time for her to replace hers so we ordered them together to get a bit of a discount =) When it arrived in the mail, I was unbelievably happy. I’d spent about $45, which seems like a lot, but when I thought about spending $5 – 8 a month on tampons and another $5 on pads, the cost added up pretty quick and $45 for 10 years worked out to … 75 cents per month! It was a learning curve, and it took a bit to get used to, but once I began using it, I felt so good about myself and about my decision. It was freeing to not have to go to the store and buy ‘feminine protection’ and ‘feminine products’. I was free to run, swim, and sleep, all without fear of getting TSS! And the weirdest thing was: I actually looked forward to getting my period just so I could use it!

I decided after using my Keeper for a while that I would also like to cut out my use of disposable pantyliners. Although leaks are VERY RARE with my Keeper, I am terrified of being caught off-guard, especially on the heaviest days of my period! So I set about researching cloth pads and found lunapads.com. What an incredible experience! Their products looked comfortable and they gave plenty of information on how to wash them, and lots of personal testimonials. And better yet, all the products were made by the ladies out of a home office in Vancouver! I called their office to ask some questions and was greeted quickly and happily by one of the staff members who was eager to answer my questions and help me out. I received my order shortly thereafter (with a handwritten “blessings!” on the receipt) and set about trying the pantyliners out.

I only wish I had learned about these products earlier in my life! I made an incredible transition from feeling shame and disgust about my body’s processes to being amazed at the way God has made my body and being thankful for its processes. I used to hate having my period. Using my Keeper and being able to pick out a pantyliner that matches my undies or my mood has made it so much less of a burden! When I have kids, I plan to buy some pads (for postpartum), lunapanties (what a great idea!) and some lunablankets for a fun, portable changing pad! Brad and I have also purchased their cotton handkerchiefs and keep them on hand … so soft on the nose!

C’mon, ladies! Get over your squeamishness (I know exactly what you’re thinking and feeling, really) and try out whatever catches your eye! You’ll never know unless you try it out! I promise it’s worth it! Either follow one of the links in the post or click on the button in my sidebar =)


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7 responses to “Spread the Love!

  1. I have thought about getting one… but haven’t. I think I am too lazy. perhaps when my period returns I will order one, because really I think they are great and would definitely use one if I had one. Just need to get un-lazy and actually order one!

  2. kimschell

    The best thing about the DivaCup and the Keeper is that they’re both available online – so you can’t use the lazy excuse! =)

  3. Pingback: Crystal Clear » Couldn’t have said it any better

  4. Kim, I had meant to write about my DivaCup, but since you said it so well I just linked to your post from my blog.

  5. Hmm, I use cloth pads now sometimes, but don’t think I could get used to the idea of a cup!

  6. kimschell

    You’d be surprised at just how easy and comfortable it is!! Really!

  7. Idetrorce

    very interesting, but I don’t agree with you

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